Ashley Rosemeyer
Ashley Rosemeyer, also known as “Thrashley”, grew up in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania with a camera by her side, thanks to her mother’s love of photography. Despite not having a family who skied or introduced her to the world of snow and skateboard photography, Thrashley discovered her passion through watching Fuel TV and reading magazines. She started shooting skateboarding at street spots, capturing the raw and captivating essence of east coast skateboarding. It was during these countless hours of searching for the perfect angles that she earned the nickname “Thrashley.”
Over the past decade, she’s been established as a seasoned professional photographer, specializing in capturing the essence of top athletes in the worlds of snowboarding, skateboarding, and biking. Ashley’s portfolio boasts impactful campaigns and shoots for renowned brands such as The North Face, Coal Headwear and Red Bull. Additionally, she’s honed her skills as a senior photographer in diverse studio and agency environments, delivering captivating product, food and lifestyle photography for esteemed companies including Ben and Jerry’s, Tazo, and Giro Snow.
In addition to her role as a photographer, Ashley is also an avid cyclist and endurance athlete. Enduring these epic journeys demands not only physical endurance but also unwavering mental strength, sustained for hours and days on end. It’s a testament to her commitment that she feels more than comfortable engaging in high risk, outdoor environments carrying equipment for on snow photography and production which seamlessly transitions to biking adventures in the warmer months.