Advocacy & Adventure Grants

The Advocacy & Adventure Alliance Grants program supports films, events, journalism, research, grassroots campaigns, workshops and adventure for our Alliance Members.

  • Featured Grant Project

    The Hypocrite

    The Hypocrite is a film that aims to squarely address imperfect advocacy in the world of snow sports. Addressing the perceived hypocrisy of using planes, cars, helicopters, and snowmobiles as access tools to the mountain, the film explores the science of consumption, the perception of individualized guilt, the actual…

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  • Feast Or Famine

    In a world grappling with the devastating impacts of climate change, a celebrity chef/adventure cyclist confronts the contradictions of his advocacy as he travels and seeks culinary inspiration while witnessing firsthand the destruction wrought on farms, wineries and ecosystems.

    See Grant Project
  • Origins

    Wildfire is erasing over 5000 miles of trail every year in the U.S. With the response by the government being to erase those trails from maps rather than fund their restoration, this project is about those trails and the histories behind them.

    See Grant Project
  • What Happens When A Glacier is Lost?

    By integrating science, art, journalism, and video content, this project will create diverse and compelling climate change stories about the glaciers scientists have monitored for 40 years, which are now disappearing after feeding the Skykomish and Nooksack River Basins for millennia.

    See Grant Project
  • Everything Is Connected

    This project will explore how historical redlining and structurally racist investment, or divestment in neighborhoods, and environmental pollution affect engagement in recreation.

    See Grant Project
  • A New Winter

    A photo project that aims to reimigine history and redefine winter culture.

    See Grant Project
  • Drilling Willow

    This project takes us on a journey to the most remote regions of the United States: Alaska's Arctic to visit leaders and community members of the Nuiqsut, an Iñupiaq village, at the front lines of the Willow Project development.

    See Grant Project

    We help passionate outdoor people protect the places and experiences they love from climate change.

    11th hour racing
    Thank you to our brand partner, 11th Hour Racing for sponsoring the POW Advocacy & Adventure Alliance Grants projects.