In their Words

Hear from outdoor enthusiasts, just like you, about why they support POW.

“My daughter saves a portion of her allowance to donate to charities she cares about. When we were making end of year donations this year, I asked her what was important to her these days, and she told me, “making sure that we still have real winters with snow.” So we did some research together and found POW, and decided it would be a great way to use her donation money. So, thank you for all you do, for helping to make sure she (and all kids—and adults!) can still have real winters with snow.”


“Our family is passionate about the outdoors and concerned about the impact climate change is having on our natural spaces. We have seen the positive impact your organization is making, and we want to help now and in the future.”


“Over the years I’ve noticed that there has been less snowfall and generally warmer winters and summers. This is concerning to me, not only because of the implications from climate change, but because many of the outdoor activities I enjoy doing may not be feasible due to climate conditions”


“We’ve met POW leadership a few times and through these intros, we have learned about, then admired and appreciated your group’s work for years now….so we’re delighted to support your mission.”


Turn Your Passion into Action

When we create swells of popular pressure, we can affect policy. And it’s working—the sum of our small efforts are creating climate victories where they’re needed most.