POW Staff Picks

The POW office is officially sheltering-in-place, so we’ve curated a little collection of all our favorite things. Here’s what POW staff are real into right now:

Clear Canals and Beautiful Things

Director of Development, Torrey Udall, is super impressed by the positive impacts of social distancing with the Venice canals running clear for the first time in years. And speaking of beautiful things, this piece from Terry Tempest Williams talks about what happens when we turn our back on beauty. Plus a really informative (and visually pleasing) tweet on where our emissions come from and a deep dive into how individuals react (and will react) to climate change.

Good Laughs and Great Listens

Policy & Civic Engagement Coordinator, Corey Cronin, says that Jerry of the Day videos on Instagram have been a gentle comfort while stuck inside and unable to connect with friends. A great time for a good chuckle.

And while not an outdoorsy/climate podcast, Heavyweight is his fav. Even though the new season doesn’t come out until this fall, they did a short “check in” episode to acknowledge things are weird, and that’s okay. Check it out!

Ways to Zone Out

Professional Alpinist Graham Zimmerman (and Alliance leader for POW Climb) would like to recommend POW partner Skullcandy’s Venue Headphones for creating a quiet space in these hectic times. (And for music to play through them, he recommends Polyrhythmics, Bach or Evan Phillip’s new track that he cut for the current crisis called “Resilience.”)

Memes and Movies, Movies and Memes

Advocacy Coordinator, Lindsey Halvorson, has been Zen-ing out to the Patagonia film Treeline  and getting her laughs from some very well-timed memes. Some amazing POW volunteers also recommend the films Dark Matter (free on Prime!), Mountain and a POW personal fav, Ode to Muir.  And this one about climate action and hiking the Continental Divide premieres for free on Thursday, 3/26!

Staying Positive


Communications Manager, Sam Killgore, is keeping the positivity and optimism flowing with regular check-ins at The Daily Climate

Favorite Reads, Tweets + Podcasts

Communications Coordinator, Anja Semanco, is still really digging this article from the New York Times because “How to stop freaking out” (about climate change or anything else) is always welcome information. And if you haven’t heard this new podcast about failure from Trail Runner Magazine, she recommends starting with this one featuring POW Creative Alliance member, Brendan Leonard. And because she can’t narrow down just one, everything from the Ezra Klein podcast is highly recommended (but there are A LOT of really great climate-focused episodes). Last but certainly not least, Arnold’s Twitter feed is also the antidote to a stressful day.