Streetwise Mural
Streetwise Mural
With this project I wanted to create a two story tall, glacial mural modeled after scientific data illustrating how climate change is affecting the fastest warming region of the globe at an alarming rate. The entire composition of the mural is directed by a graph provided by the NSIDC (National Snow & Ice Data Center) documenting the average sea ice extent over the last 40 years in the Arctic. The horizon line of the glacier in my painting shows a clear downward trend in the ice extent. It was my goal to create an engaging installation that invites you to consider your personal emotional relationship to these geologic wonders as they disappear and more seriously, how them vanishing will directly impact our lives. It is my passion to continue bringing artists, activists, and scientists together to observe, record and represent our shifting climate in hopes it will inspire us to prioritize the protection of the places and things we love.
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